I ask this question because I have just now - after exactly 6 months of unemployment - been offered a position at Honam University in the city of Gwangju. In the Department of English Language and Literature, no less.
Needless to say, I'll post the result of my decision when the time comes.
Do it!
Well done! What will you be teaching? More ESL, or will you begin to teach literature? Either way employment is exciting, I hear. Congrats!
Congrats Mike! Well, it's not my position to advise, but please do make sure that the location of whatever position you do choose also has "Areas of exquisite scenery along the outskirts of the city gave birth to gasa, a form of Korean classical poetry. Located in the heart of the agricultural Jeolla region, the city is also famous for its rich and diverse cuisine" I want to make sure that I'll enjoy the local when I come to visit you!
빨리 계약 해라 쎄끼야! What are the terms? If it's any more than 10 teaching hours per week and any less than 2.5m won per month, forget it.
I think 광주 sounds like a great place to live. Have you been there before? It has a different feel about it than the rest of Korea, and the kimchi is much better. I will visit you often.
i reluctantly support your decision to move back to korea and not live under my bed in LA.
when is decision time? and when would you start?
oh, and i will kayak with you in halka malka anytime.
Congrats Mike. Either way, make sure you keep the beard.
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