Also, in the spirit of a certain friend who will remain unnamed in case everyone thinks the following is dumb, here are some bizarre statistics about this past month or so that nobody really cares about:
Arrival date: 29 November
Full teaching weeks: 3
Days here: 24
Average wakeup time: 11:00AM

Average work hours: 2:30-10:00 pm
Miles walked: 75
Corndogs eaten: 4-6, depending on how you count the doubly-fried ones
PBJs eaten: 18
Bananas eaten: roughly 7000
Vegetable medleys made: 15
Percent of work days involving free food: 67
Episodes of Chappelle’s show watched: all of them
Pages read: 600ish
Conversations with native English speakers: 1 Other whiteys spotted: 5 (all male)Movies/songs downloaded: 0Channel-surfing sessions ending in disgust at the omnipresence of american pro-wrestling: 83%

And yeah, I have no clue how the formatting here works.

1 comment:
totally unrelated to this post, but Merry Christmas from Auntie Sue, Uncle Kenny and your Allen cousins...we got a hold of your blogspot address and will be checking in now and again.
continue to enjoy your Korean adventure :-)
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