I have now officially passed all 4 assignments, passed the first 7 teaching sessions, completed the 8th, and just have to wait for the results and attend a few more lectures and feedback sessions. I am virtually guaranteed a pass and might even get a "pass B," which is kind of like honors. There's also a "pass A" but apparently nobody ever gets it. So, I've done pretty well. 2500 dollars well spent!
2 more days bumming around school, 2 days "decompressing" with my classmates at a hotel with a pool, a week in Bangkok, and then back to Korea, qualification hand. Booya.
And then to the US! WHEEEEEEE!
Well done. Sounds like you're setting the curve as usual. Do you get a gold tassel at graduation for the "pass B"?
You're certainly setting the curve in beard quality.
Qualification hand is a quality way to arrive. Pirsig concurs.
Update: Looks like I did give the only lesson to receive an "above standard" (so far). That means I have a realistic shot at a pass B, which gives me a platinum tassel as well as the superpower of my choice.
And this anonymous person/people is/are so mysterious! First spelling my name wrong, then dropping a preposition. Wants us to think he/she/they is/are less clever than he/she/they really is/are. Very Daoist of him/her/them. But I'm on to you/you(pl).
Doesn't Pirsig capitalize Quality?
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