For this and for other pictures of my new hair and how I dress for school, go here. Remember that I can't smile for a camera, so something like the one on the left is the best you'll get.
As part of the franchise deal, some other people make a webpage for our school, which you can check out here. If you float the mouse around enough places, you'll eventually find the staff page which has a few pictures of me and the coworkers. The pictures are all a little squashed, though.
This page has pictures of the lobby, the outside bulletin board, the library/room where we show the parents all of our nice looking books and try to get them to send us their kids, a standard classroom, and the computer lab I'm in right now. You can't see my computer, but I think the chair in the corner of the picture is the one I'm in right now.
In other news, I checked out a new squash gym on Sunday, which I was able to go to because a Canadian fellow I know has a car. I found out that it's one of the best complexes in Korea, which strikes me as odd since it only has 5 courts. Nonetheless, in early may, it will host the Asian squash championships and I intend to go there with my camera. Maybe my racket too.
This gym is gigantic and occupies about 6 floors. The 4th floor is a gigantic locker room and spa, so I have now had my first experience being naked with 200 korean men. Don't worry, if I bring my camera to the championships, I won't make use of it in the locker room. Anyway, it's weird enough being surrounded by korean kids in a classroom. It's even weirder when you're naked, they're naked, and you're in a pool or a shower and they come up and try to talk to you. I mean, it's kind of cute. But a little freaky.
The first link is bad. It should be
note the capital M.
So, did that guy actually make it onto the staff/teacher page without showing up? Or is the missing picture of somebody else?
Oh, we were pretty certain he'd come, so we had his picture up and everything. I'm not sure why any evidence of his existence is still left, actually.
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